Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye Summer 2010
Heading back to work tomorrow. I'm a little bit sad about this because it has been such a relaxing and laid back summer. Two full months of pretending to be a stay-at-home-mom has been really nice. I know that I have it really good (two months off of work is AMAZING! I know that most of the work world doesn't get this and I am truly grateful to have the awesome job that I have) but I am sad that I'm heading back to reality tomorrow. I will miss the slow pace we have had at our house and the flexibility of everything. I do not look forward to our school mornings starting up again tomorrow. That hour or so in the morning of trying to myself (and Ezra) ready, get out the door, get Ezra to daycare, and to make it to work on time always has my stress level super high. If you happen to see me in the morning between 8:30-9:00 you know what I'm talking about. That's the time that I'm always booking it. Hopefully we'll do better this year though. Preparation is key and tonight I have everything ready!

On a happy note though here are a few pictures from a couple weeks ago of Ezra James. One of his new things this summer has been baseball. We pretty much skipped right over t-ball after a day or two of the T and have been strictly baseball now for the past two months. I can't believe we waited this long to play. Yes, our Idaho cousins would be disappointed in us for starting this late. I will always remember how Topher was pounding the balls down the street at his 2nd birthday party many years ago. And I just know that one day I will be sitting in a major league park watching my nephew play ball! His Uncle Logan will be his agent of course. :0) Ezra loves baseball! We have played it many, many, many mornings this summer. Looking forward to starting him in a t-ball league. I think it will be spring?

And one last note about summer -- I have been super dooper productive this week. Why does it always work out this way. Wish I was like this all the time. AND today I put the last finishing touches on our dining room makeover. Pictures coming in the next day or two. I just need to find a "before" picture to share. The transformation is amazing!

1 comment:

Francie said...

T-Ball was my favorite to watch between age 3-6; much more entertaining than Coach Pitch. So I can't wait to see Ezra this spring!