Friday, September 19, 2008

One year and two weeks.
Ezra had his one year doctor appointment last week. (Actually it was one year and two weeks.) 23 pounds, 14 ounces, 30.5 inches. He has 8 teeth. He's zooming around like crazy these days. He's so very fast. Still no words yet but I know he's getting close. We hear lots of ma-ma-ma-ma but I'm waiting for him to look at me and say it before I think it's official.

Same shot last year when Ezra was only two weeks old...


palouseygoosey said...

You are an organized mommy if you are able to pull these pictures from a year ago. Digital pics seem to get lost in digital space for me, by the time I get them saved on cds. He sure sounds healthy! Was the doctor so impressed with the variety of veggies this boy told me he likes to eat (and a mimi told me too!)?

Happy Birthday to mimo today!!!

Grow with Griffin said...

Wow! It is just so amazing to me how fast time goes, but pictures truly describe it more than words sometimes!!! Both of those pictures are so neat! Love the bright blue chair! Ezra is getting so big! I can't wait to see him in person!