Thursday, September 4, 2008

And then there was the cake...


palouseygoosey said...

At what other birthday will you ever be given a whole cake, all to yourself, that you can eat, enjoy, wear guiltfree?! No messes to big on the first bday cake, right?!

Mary Bess said...

These are great! Was Randall taking the photos? I can't remember!

palouseygoosey said...

I realize I left out the extra 'o' on the word 'too' in my first post and that irritates me so, I'm adding this post!

Grow with Griffin said...

Looks like Ezra LOVED the cake! I love the one of him with his great big smile (and the one with icing smeared all over his face of course)! Glad it was a hit!

Cowtown Camera Girl said...

We had a fun time with this. And yes, there was a mess to clean up but luckily I had some great helpers! As soon as we were done I took Ezra straight to the tub. (That's where I was headed in the last shot where I'm holding him up.) And then after a quick bath we came back to the party to find all the cake mess had been cleaned up. Thank you Aunt Bess!

And thank you to Randall for taking all the cake and present photos!