Saturday, September 27, 2008

No picture for this post but you'll understand why in a second. I've had so many laughs all day long every time I think about it. This morning I went in to get Ezra out of bed and he was in the buff! I had changed his diaper about two hours earlier in the middle of the night so I either did a really bad job (quite possible for a 5:00 a.m. diaper change) or he had decided he didn't want to wear it anymore. He was just standing up at the side of his crib, smiling, and waiting patiently for me to come get him out. I immediately said "Ezra, you are naked!" and then he began to laugh. I quickly put a new diaper on but he just kept on laughing. What a silly boy!

1 comment:

Poppyseed said...

Mika went through a phase last spring where she was stripping every night after we'd put her to bed! Then sometime in the night she would peepee on herself and then get cold and wake up crying! She still does it occasionally, but it's a rare thing. It seems like all kids just love to be naked for some reason. Maybe they haven't become as self-conscious as we are. :)