Thursday, September 11, 2008

The first UT game was a couple weeks ago, the night before Ezra's birthday. You can always catch a UT game on the tv at our house on Saturdays in the fall. Ezra and Logan cheering...
and more cheering....

and a little playing....

Perfect size, don't you think?


palouseygoosey said...

I LOVE this little boy!!! What a happy, huggable cutie pie he is:)

Cowtown Camera Girl said...

He's been sick again this week so he's extra cuddly. You would have just smiled and smiled if you could have seen him last night. (He's almost at the end of being sick...getting much better.) I had finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner and walked out into the living room to find Logan singing to Ezra. Ezra was just laying there on Logan's lap, so relaxed, just listening to his daddy sing. It was very sweet. And then he sat up when I came in and then just chilled out with us in Logan's lap. (Usually he's up and around, very busy but when he's not feeling well he is much more up for just hanging with us.)