Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's official....Ezra is now walking!!! He took his first steps last week.


Mary Bess said...

The carpet looks great in there, by the way!

Yay, Little E, what a ham! He'll be running in no time, eh?!

Poppyseed said...

Yeah, Ezra! Aren't you thrilled that he did that for you while you were still on summer break? :) He's doing really well with the walking...Zoe didn't take her first steps till 13 mos. Mika was just a bit earlier. Guess EJ wants to hurry up so he can start running with Dad!

Francie said...

"Oh My Gosh!" That's what I just screamed aloud at my house! That's so awesome! I can only imagine that you all were so proud. Might I add, Ezra is looking tall here. Perhaps all that movement is slimming him up?