Monday, July 28, 2008

El Scorcho
It's been a week since El Scorcho and Ezra & I want to say proud we are of Logan. For those of you who don't know about El Scorcho it's this little race (ha!) that Logan, Jason, and the guys at Fort Worth Running Company put on. It starts at midnight out at Trinity Park and runners run either a 25k (15 miles) or a 50k (31 miles.) This is the second year they have done it and they sold out at 400 runners. So with all the family, friends, and volunteers there to cheer on the runners there must have been at least 500 people out at Trinity Park last Saturday night. Imagine one big party at midnight. All because of my honey and an idea he had a couple of years ago. We are very proud of you!

1 comment:

Ryan V. said...

Thanks, Nell and Ezra!

And a special thanks to Nell for staying out there all night with us this year! (Last year, pregnancy had you turning in early.)