Sunday, April 6, 2008

One more...i love this one. :0)


palouseygoosey said...

And so does your Aunt Emilie (love that precious boy and love the picture too)!!! These pictures brought tears to my eyes, seeing him in the shirt I last saw before he was born:)

I just can't even believe he's sitting up so tall. I can't imagine how happy he must be when he stands.

Now, back John Dewey on this Sunday morning.

Mary Bess said...

You know, he kind of resembles his cousin BBJ in this photo! Can you see it? Pretty cute!

Cowtown Camera Girl said...

He is so very happy when he's standing! We're beginning to think he's going to skip crawling and go straight to walking. He could care less about the crawling part. And I love this shirt that you gave us! I'm on a mission to find one that says something similar but for Logan. Ezra wore another one of your shirts today...go Vandals! And we also wore one from Aunt Bess too..."I'm a Keepa!" I still can't believe Ezra is seven months old and wearing 12 month clothes. He'll probably be some great football star someday. :0)

Mary Bess said...

Oh cute! He IS a 'keepah'!!! Can't wait to see him again soon! Hopefully he'll have your height, too! He'll be a force to be reckoned with,eh?!