Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Francie said...

Logan told me I was the only one who thought EJ looked like a Valdez. I think I am seeing some Corbin in him now. What a big boy he is becoming!

Mary Bess said...

I definately think photo #3 has the look of Donaldo.

palouseygoosey said...

Benny and I are sitting on the bed and Benny rarely seems to stop talking these days...about everything. He was telling me, for the millionth time, about Lightning McQueen and Chic Hicks. When I opened your blog, his eyes caught Ezra's picture. He giggled to himself, said, "Mommy, there's Ezra J___" and leaned over and kissed his face on the computer screen! Benny wants to tell EJ that he loves him!!! (And so does his Aunt Emilie!)