Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hello long lost blog friends! I’m going to try to be better about updating. Here goes…

Life has been crazy busy lately. Two full time jobs, one part time photography hobby/job, two parents who want to exercise way too much, and one super energetic 2.5 year old have all combined to make life feel way too busy. So in that regards we’re trying to slow down a little bit and simplify things at our house. I say “we” but it’s more me than Logan. My little photography business has gotten so busy that I could easily pack every weekend with 2 or 3 sessions so I’ll be cutting back and slowing down a little.

We’ve got several projects going on at our house one of which is our backyard. Last week we (Homero - got to love Homero!) took out all the landscaping that the former owners put in. It was nice but not our style and definitely not good for a 2.5 year old who wants to run around. We planted new grass and now have what feels like a huge backyard. Before it seemed so small since the majority was in flowerbeds. Now all we need to do is a new fence on one side and we’ll be done. Hopefully that will happen in the next few weeks. Ezra LOVES to be outside so I’m excited about having a nice backyard for all of us to hang out in this summer. We're also starting to redo our dining room. We took off doors to the kitchen and are looking for new furniture. I've got a paint project coming as soon as school lets out for summer. Anyone want to help? Anyone? Anyone?

My wonderful sister Mary Bess and her husband BD adopted our cat yesterday. This is BIG for us! We’ve been talking about finding a new home for Socks for a while now but I never really thought I could do it unless we found the perfect spot for him where he would get lots of love. The poor little guy just doesn’t get the love he needs anymore. I never thought I would be one of those people but in reality that’s what happened. Just never enough time for the little guy. Every time Aunt Bess comes to our house Socks loves it. She gives him so much love and attention so I know he’ll be in heaven living at their house. THANK YOU MARY BESS AND BD!!! Another big step in simplifying things around our house. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And now for a few pictures of our Easter last week….

If you ask Ezra to smile this is what you'll get. I can only imagine what his school pictures will be like some day. :0)


Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

Glad to see an update. I have been missing ya! I understand about the busy life. I do not know how you manage it all. So impressive Miss Nell!

Lil Eskimo said...

YEAH!!! for simplifying!! sounds like you guys are getting SO much done....that has got to feel great!

it's almost summer and you'll be enjoying loads of fun memories with your BIG boy in your great backyard!!