Thursday, July 9, 2009

Peanut, Peanut Butter, and Jelly!
Remember that song from Kanakuk? I sing it all the time now! This kid digs a PB & J. Seriously, I've never seen anyone love peanut butter more than Ezra. Can't get enough of it.
After he had two extra swipes of peanut butter on the bread we started going with spoonfuls straight out of the jar.

Silly boy!


Jenny said...

One of you all got it stuck in your roof of you mouth.

Francie said...

I sing that song all of the time when I'm making PB&J's. This year, we introduced Fluffer Butters - pb & marshmallows. I'm sure you all are a long way from these, but they are a treat!

Lil Eskimo said...

you went to kanakuk?!! i grew up less than an hour from there!

Cowtown Camera Girl said...

Yes, went to Kanakuk for 7 summers! What an AWESOME place! I would go back if I could. Hope to send Ezra there someday.