Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Go into the kitchen Mama so I can stand on the table and not see you."
~Ezra, 2 years 7 months

No picture of Ezra on the table (although I have a feeling it will happen again) but I will share a couple from this past week. Ezra's Aunt Emilie always sends him such wonderful books. She keeps our library collection stocked with fantastic reads! Thank you!!!

p.s. - Doesn't he look so big here!


Jenny said...

Your cousin, Mac, used to climb on his dining table and swing from the chandelier. I think you are wise to cut back on some things you are doing and be home with Ezra more. He is at the exploring stage. A sandbox in the back yard where he could dig and play with his trucks would be wonderful for him, right next to the hose. Relax yourself and enjoy him.

Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

sooo big!!! like 4!