Friday, June 12, 2009

We are in!
The move went good. We can't do laundry yet but that's really our only big kink so far. Hopefully that will be fixed in the next day or two. Lots of boxes to unpack and get organized but the big stuff is done. I've got pictures to share as soon as I find my card reader. I'm on the lookout for that and my missing box of shoes. :0)


Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

Ooohh! I want to see pictures so find the card reader! :-)

Oh, also got my pictures! Thanks!

Francie said...

Thanks for letting us invade your new home! I know we are a load to welcome. It's so great!

Grow with Griffin said...

Glad you are in! Can't wait to see it and hear all about it! Hoping you have gotten a lot accomplished this weekend! SUPER Heat=Stay indoor packing, right?