Friday, June 26, 2009


dena said...

i'm with ya on the tv. we waited until roman was 2 to let him see tv. and, he was the same way...instantaneously LOVED it. we are not one of those families where the tv stays on all day because if we did, roman would be in front of it all day, every day.

sounds like you guys have LOTS of fun going on! aren't summers great?!

Cowtown Camera Girl said...

Yes!!! We LOVE summer!!! It's just good to slow down every now and then. That's what summers always are to me. Of course I'm in the best profession for that so it works out good for me and our family. And yes, even after only letting Ezra watch some tv for a few weeks now, I can already tell that he could easily get addicted if we let him. Going to do my best to not let that happen. Ha!