Monday, February 9, 2009

77 Miles!!!!
My incredible husband ran 77 miles this past weekend at the Rocky Raccoon Trail Run!!! We are very proud of him!!! He was shooting for 100 but we think 77 is still pretty darn good. How many people do you know that can run 77 miles? Just one for me. I have a whole new appreciation for his running now. I ran 15 miles with him towards the end and it was very, very difficult. First, there were the tree roots that you try to avoid. You had to look about two feet ahead of you the entire time or you would bite it. (I did twice.) Add to it that you are running in the middle of the night. The only light you have is from the moon and your head lamp and flashlight. There is some pretty good elevation in some parts. And oh ya....he had been up for almost 24 hours, most of which was spent on his feet moving. Next time you see my hubby be sure to tell him that he rocks!



Theresa said...

Good Heavens! We'll drink a glass of wine tonight and celebrate his accomplishment.

Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

WOW! 77 miles...does not seem possible! I continue to be amazed by your family. :-)

Jenny said...

Good for him. We were rootin' for him. And how about you? 15 miles is great, too.