Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a few more days. We are excited!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little project for me and my little helper.
Click here to see more.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

September 25, 2010
I spent a weekend in Fredericksburg last month with Shana, Lynda, and Cathy. A very relaxing three days. We visited a few vineyards....

We stayed at a really cool B & B....

And ate lots of yummy food all weekend long.

I really should take trips like this more often. :0)
If You Give a Moose a Muffin

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hello new blog header!

I've been meaning to update this blog for a while now. It's a hard thing though -- saying goodbye to our little "Day in the Life of Ezra James" blog header. Sounds silly I know. Logan started this blog right before Ezra was born and then our blog header went up shortly after. We switched out the picture one time early on and it's been the same ever since. Here we are now three years later so I think a face lift was needed. This new one is still under construction. I'm not completely sold on it but I think it's a good start. I snapped these shots of Ezra last Saturday night. A quick two minute photo shoot. All that was required was a piece of gum -- Ezra's new favorite thing. Give him some gum and he'll do just about anything for you. He was going to a wedding with Nanna & Pop while Logan & I headed out to dinner and a movie. (Nice!) I heard that he was a dancing it up that night. Of course I would expect nothing less than someone who wears green chucks on the dance floor. Thanks for the new shoes Aunt Bess!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Me & Ezra
July 2010
I've been doing lots of editing catch-up this week and came across these pictures that I never shared from this summer. These are so very, very special to me. One, how sweet does my child look? Ok, I'm a little biased I know. Two, I'm actually in the pictures. Three, both of these locations are right by our house. We go to both of them all the time and have fun memories. Four, this was in the middle of summer. LOVE summer and this was a GREAT one! Five, I love how incredibly sweet Ezra is these days. We'll be in the middle of something or even just hanging out and he'll randomly look up at me and say "Mama, I love you." He says it with the biggest smile on his face. Melt my heart. :0)

A big thank you to Kristen of Anna Kristen Photography!