Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2003
Seven years today. It's been a pretty darn good ride!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"I NEEEEEED my bat."
No bat. No problem. He's very resourceful. (And I've got to get those branches down off the roof asap! They are driving me crazy now every time I see them in a picture! I'll be calling TXU next week. They are touching electrical lines so no touching for me.)
Check out all that beautiful grass. I love it! It really was like an obstacle course in our backyard before we put in the grass. Ezra almost lost one of his front teeth back in January when he fell on one of the rocks. I know a fall is still possible but I feel alot better about him playing out there now. We also hope to replace that fence behind Ezra someday. For now though we just replaced the chainlink fence on the other side. Who knew fences were so expensive. Seriously!
WISH I had his eyelashes...

And one more that we like to call the "Tom Corbin" look. If you are in my family you know why. :0) Got to love genetics.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our New Backyard!
We finished up our big backyard makeover this past month. No more yucky landscaping, no more giant rocks & boulders, new grass, and a new fence on one side. A much more friendly environment for Ezra to play in and for all of us to enjoy. Here's the after shot:
And here's a before shot from last July:
It’s amazing for me to see the difference in Ezra in these two pictures, taken 10 months apart. He looks so tall to me now. Almost three years old in August. I still can't believe that. And he LOVES to run around in our new backyard!

We are VERY excited about summer coming up. I feel like it's here already even though we still have one week left of school. Lots of fun things going on this summer – music class, swim lessons, and lots of fun thing planned with friends. I’ve already started my to-do list and can’t wait to get started next week. First up, paint our dining room. I finally picked a paint color after about six different samples. After the paint is done all I have left to do is find a new rug and things for the walls. I’ll be sure to post a before and after shots once that room is completed. A big thank you to my wonderful sister Mary Bess for helping me with this project the past couple of months! I am so excited about our new dining room!
p.s. - Second up on my to-do list -- get those branches down off the roof of the garage. The ones you can see in the top picture of this post. Seeing them there reminds me that I need to get that done. Those have been there since the big snow storm back in January. :0)