Monday, August 31, 2009

Ezra's 2nd Birthday Party
Ezra, Nell, & Logan

Thank you Randall for taking these!!!!
Two Years Old
Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy! I still can't believe it. Wow!
Thank you to our wonderful family who celebrated with us yesterday. We are blessed to have so many people who care about our Ezra. I've got lots of birthday party pics to share. Hope to post some later this week.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ezra's 2nd Birthday is tomorrow!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Ezra, Dada, tree, up high."
He loves this!

And I promise we do occasionally put clothes on our child!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It had to happen eventually…
See this sweet little boy? I snapped these shots of him this morning before school. We had just returned home from our run as a big group of high school students were running down the street. I’m guessing they were from Ezra’s future high school – maybe their cross country team. There were lots of them and they just kept coming. Ezra was enjoying watching them so I set him up a spot to see out the front window. A perfect opportunity for me to eat a quick bowl of cereal. Well, see that little box of raisins in his hand? Ezra loves raisins. Now imagine us in the doctor’s office about one hour later trying to get a raisin out of Ezra’s nose. It was quite traumatic but our wonderful Dr. M was able to get it out. Ezra told me he won’t do it again. :0)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More Adventures of Batman
I'm going to look back on summer of 2009 as summer of Batman! He now makes his appearance several times a day. And sometimes he lets his creative juices flow. If you are really lucky he might flex his muscles for you. No pics of that -- you'll have to see that in person sometime to really get the full effect. Just ask him though and he would love to show them off.

Batman also likes Play-doh....

Batman & his B

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fort Worth Camera - Pic of the Day!
Our little cutie was selected as one of FW Camera's Pic of the Day shots! Click here. They are celebrating their birthday month so I submitted this one to their birthday contest. This is my sweet Ezra James last year on his 1st birthday. Can't believe we'll be celebrating his 2nd birthday in just two weeks!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pachyderm Parade
We saw elephants in dowtown Fort Worth last week! Yea for the Ringling Brothers Circus! It's not every day you see elephants walking down the street. I see a trip to the Greatest Show on Earth in our future. :0)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Trying to be productive these last few days of summer. This morning I've been cleaning up my computer, backing up & ordering prints, and working on photo albums. I came across these pics from a few months ago that I never posted. Taken at our old house right before we moved. Got to love Play-Doh!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

All Boy
The plan was to take a super cute picture of Ezra to put on his birthday invitation. He saw the dirt and had other ideas. Ezra loves a good pile of dirt.
So I thought I would try it again a few days later. Same result. He also loves rocks and sticks.

Love this little boy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nanna & The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Two of Ezra's favorite things.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ezra and I saw a big fat raccoon right outside our back door this morning! He was chowing down on Socks' cat food! I hope he enjoyed the Iams Weight Control and Hairball Care cat food. Sounds yummy, right? Guess I'll be bringing the cat food inside now.
This picture is not the raccoon from our porch but a raccoon I discovered while shooting pictures at El Schorcho a few weeks ago. The one from this morning bolted as soon as he saw us. Who knew there were so many raccoons around here!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I went to see Legally Blonde at Bass Hall earlier this week with Francie, Mary Bess, and Addison. I've watched this movie 100 times so it was fun to see it in a musical. And of course I always love hanging out with my sisters and niece. (We missed you Emilie!)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One more from this set. Love this one! He's reading his Cat book. The very last page has this little flap where you can lift it up and find a mouse hiding under the cheese. He loves to find the mouse.
New Bookshelf
If you have been following our blog you know that we have been blessed with a child who loves to read! This makes his Librarian mama so happy! However, since we moved into the new house Ezra hasn't been as interested. Part of the problem is that all of our bookshelves are up high and Ezra hasn't had a shelf to go browse like he did at the old house. So what's a Librarian to do? Build a bookshelf of course! That's right....I built this and am so proud of my handywork! I think Ezra likes it too. I've definitely seen an increase in our reading time. And last night when Sean & Brittney came over the bookshelf was the very first thing that Ezra showed them. (He always gives a tour to anyone who comes over to our house.) He sat down on his comfy pillow, pulled out one of his favorite books, and started telling them all about it. These shots are of our little bookworm before naptime yesterday. He's normally sitting in my lap or right beside me. I love it!